Sandy ZeuschnerShiatsu Massage and Japanese Needling Therapist Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine and healing in the world. Originating from China it made its way to Japan and has been practiced there for over 14 centuries. Over time a difference in practices and techniques was developed that today distinguishes the Japanese form from Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture.
What is Japanese Needling & Therapies Along with Shiatsu, which is literally translated to finger pressure along acupressure points and meridians or channels of energy (Qi), Japanese therapies is also used to uncover the root cause of a pathology, issue or condition and hence promoting healing and recovery. Many tools are used and can involve insertive and non-insertive techniques. From Moxibustion, a warming of herb mugwort, to introduce warmth to a point or area. Ion pumping cords, using polarities and positive and negative Qi within one’s own body, promoting self-correction and repair and also cupping. These are only a few examples of tools available. The use of needling, traditionally referred to as acupuncture is of great value. And although there are some debates on traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture and Japanese acupuncture, it is inherently clear that these therapies are proven century after century to have profound healing power. Health & Harmony Always Sandy Zeuschner Sandy Zeuschner from Point to Point Healing & The Natural Health and Wellness Clinic, is a qualified Shiatsu and Japanese & Oriental Medicine practitioner who is passionate about what these therapies offer in ways beyond simple body comfort to deep emotional and physical, body, mind and soul healing. Trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, her belief and knowledge of these therapies shows treatment after treatment with many pathologies and conditions from common cold, back, shoulder and neck pain, post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression, fertility, pregnancy, sinus, broken and sprained ankles and other bones, anxiety, pre and post-surgery, general wellbeing, and many more, benefiting. “I am always humbled by what these therapies can promote, from self-healing and harmony”
24/1/2023 09:36:46 pm
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