Being cashed up might not be such a good thing after all! Well that is if you keep your wallet in your back pocket and sit on it regularly.
If you’re one of those guys that creaks and groans each time he gets out of his car, or is experiencing headaches, neck/back pain, sciatica, hip problems, knee problems, or other issues with the lower limbs - it could be that you have been sitting on your wallet for way toooo long……
On Facey and feeling guilty about all the other things you could be doing right now? Never fear you are not alone! Almost all of us seem to experience feeling guilty about taking time out…. whether it be on Facebook, delving into a novel, having an afternoon nap or just chilling on the couch for a movie… it seems that we like to beat up on ourselves for taking a few well deserved moments for “me”.
I have a guilty secret. Once a month I go to one of the big chain supermarkets and stock up on food for my pantry. Yes - I try to buy local, and yes - I like to support small business - but every now and then I just need to go and buy some of the stuff that is hard to get anywhere else all under the one roof!
I try to do this as little as possible for 2 reasons: |
February 2024