Dr Cathryn LeszczynskiOsteopath, Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer We are fortunate in Australia to be spoilt with a vast array of health care practitioners to assist us with our aches and pains however sometimes it is difficult to know who helps with what! I frequently get asked if I treat certain conditions/injuries so in answer to that question here is the variety of issues that I assisted patients with this last week;
All of these issues were addressed with our well rounded Movement Logic approach of a thorough medical history, assessment, hands on treatment, exercise and ergonomic/lifestyle advice and an ongoing managment plan to deal with prediposing factors and to reduce the likelihood of re-occurrence. So In answer to your question, Yes! I can help you with your head, foot, wrist, ankle, back complaint or any other area that involves joints, muscles, bones, ligaments and so on. So if you have any aches or pains that need some attention why not pay us a visit at Movement Logic, we would be happy to help! Book now with Cathryn by calling (03) 5977 7342 or click here.
February 2024