Have you ever found yourself in that place where enough is enough!! Life is fully on top of you and it seems that the slightest mishap will have you plummeting over the edge into mind numbing, body twitching lunacy. It’s all way too hard and you can’t and don’t want to keep up anymore. You’ve lost yourself and you’ve lost your glimmer. Your capacity to function at your best in all the many and varied roles you keep has totally deserted you. Life has lost its shine and you finally KNOW the true understanding of what it feels like to exist in the ‘rat race’. What a hopeless place to be! STUCK STUCK, STUCK, POWERLESS TO MOVE. We need to pay the bills, raise the kids, keep up social commitments, get a bigger and better house, attend to our friendships, throw a bone to our significant other, keep fit, eat well, take time out for ourselves. Are you KIDDING me – Take time out for WHO? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO THAT IS ANYMORE.
February 2024